By Madison Chisholm
Q: This is a very common question, but what is something that most people don’t know about you?
A: My parents moved around alot, so I was born in Ohio. Then my sisters, Amanda, was born in Virginia and my older sister, Sara, was born in Georgia.
Q: Who is your biggest inspiration?
A: Sebastian Stan
Q: Why him though?
A: Well, he went outside in his Pajamas one night just because he heard his fans from outside of his hotel. He took pictures and talking with them. It was like a miniture meet and greet, but not official
Q: This is a very common question, but what is something that most people don’t know about you?
A: My parents moved around alot, so I was born in Ohio. Then my sisters, Amanda, was born in Virginia and my older sister, Sara, was born in Georgia.
Q: Who is your biggest inspiration?
A: Sebastian Stan
Q: Why him though?
A: Well, he went outside in his Pajamas one night just because he heard his fans from outside of his hotel. He took pictures and talking with them. It was like a miniture meet and greet, but not official
Q: Who is your favorite author?
A: John Green
Q: Why?
A: He’s hysterical. And the fault in our stars was really good. I did not cry during the movie though, which I thought was a bit strange.
Q: What is one of the funniest moments you’ve ever had?
A: There is all the times we’ve hung out basically, but that’s pretty much it. I don’t really laugh that much unless you’re around.
Q: Any clubs?
A: National Junior Honor Society, National Art Honor Society, Grade 9 Advisory, and Select Choir. I sorta just picked them. I wanted to be somewhat social this year
Q: What is your full name?
A: Megan Renée Pons
Q: Describe yourself in three words
A: That’s a bit hard. I would have to say hot-headed, creative, and loyal.
Q: Why those three words?
A: Hot-headed because I can explode really easily, but most of the time when you see me I can be very calm and collected. There has been times where I have gotten angry and people don’t accept it. Creative because I draw alot. And Loyal because I don’t want to lose my friends. My friends are probably the most important thing to me.
Q: If you could do anything in the world right now, what would you do?
A: Is saying meeting Sebastian Stan too much of an obvious answer?
Q: Last question, if you could solve one problem at the school what would it be?
A: Less homework because I don’t want to stay up and do seven hours of homework in one night. It doesn’t help that I’m just really slow at doing things, so it’s quite annoying sometimes.