By Adriana DeSimone
As the end of the year is coming, projects, and finals are coming up. But, for the AP Human Geography students since they already took their AP exam they have a project lasting the rest of the year to benefit people who live in Sudan.
Nick Daley, is a freshman participating in the walkathon. He said he enjoyed taking the class this year, and this is important to him because it creates awareness for issues faced by impoverished countries and resolving issues. He also said that his class will be raising money to build a water well in Sudan, because it is a poor country.
As the end of the year is coming, projects, and finals are coming up. But, for the AP Human Geography students since they already took their AP exam they have a project lasting the rest of the year to benefit people who live in Sudan.
Nick Daley, is a freshman participating in the walkathon. He said he enjoyed taking the class this year, and this is important to him because it creates awareness for issues faced by impoverished countries and resolving issues. He also said that his class will be raising money to build a water well in Sudan, because it is a poor country.
Each student has a different role in order to complete this project. Nick said that his role in the project was the digital artwork, such as a logo for the website, creating a timeline. Also, he said that he has been assigned to research facts about world hunger. He said this project will make him feel fortunate for what he has and will make him stop taking advantage of what he was, and to motivate him more to help people in need.
This project is very important and he said the point of it to raise awareness for food insecurity and to build a well for people in Sudan. He also said his documentary will inform people about this and make them aware. Nick said he was excited for the walk because he will get to experience how difficult it is for Sudanese children to carry water jugs for miles everyday so themselves and their families do not get dehydrated. He also said he hopes to make Sudan’s people's lives easier with the construction of a well.
Mrs. Reynolds is the AP Human Geography teacher and is the reason why this project is happening. She said the walkathon takes place June 16, at the Mashpee High School track. This is her first year doing this, and she also said she got the idea from her daughter’s school.
Mrs. Reynolds said that after the exam, we have always done a project, but this year I wanted to take what the students learned, and apply it to how we can help others in need. She said the purpose of this project is to focus on applying what we learned to real life situations and to focus on why clean water is important for our health.
Through College Board, is how Mrs. Reynolds signed up to take part in this. Mrs. Reynolds thinks that the students favorite part will be the actual event, working together to help people across the globe, and collaborating as a whole to do this project.
The event will be held Saturday, June 17.